Ice Fantasia 2015
Ice Fantasia represents an amazing opportunity for ALL of our skaters to participate and showcase their talents. It is without a doubt the most anticipated event of the year for all of our skaters! As parents and coaches will tell you from experience, your children are the real winners during Ice Show years. Even the youngest skaters rise to the occasion and gain self-confidence and pride in participating in the show. They also learn teamwork, persistence, showmanship and presentation. Most importantly, skaters have tons of FUN!— whether in the dressing room with friends between sets, backstage anticipating their moment to get out on the ice, or while under the lights in front of family and friends.
When is it?
This year’s Ice Show will run from Thursday, April 23 through to Sunday April 26. There will be four shows and a Dress Rehearsal to attend.
How does it work?
Ice Fantasia rehearsals will begin the week of Monday, March 23 immediately following March Break. At this point in time, all of the routines are choreographed, the music set, and rehearsals begin. Ice Fantasia rehearsals replace previous skating sessions. Some skaters may decide not to participate in the show. There is no refund for skaters not participating. Skaters will be grouped into “courts” (groups of skaters, typically of similar ability) to perform to a set piece of music. Let the fun begin!
While there are no guarantees, every effort will be made to schedule your skater’s Ice Fantasia rehearsals with their previously scheduled skating session(s).
The week leading up to the show is an extremely busy one. During this week, special rehearsals are required for the coaches to pull the whole show together and to make sure all of the skaters are ready for their performances. Coaches will carefully consider the age of skaters and keep the time needed to a minimum for our younger skaters. It is a fun week we call “Continuity”.
How do I know where to be and when?
We are with you every step of the way! There will be lots of email communication. You can always ask questions. Our website will have the schedules, practice details and more updated along the way. Look for our lobby display coming soon with the Ice Fantasia 2015 preview!! We will also post details there and you can always check out our website now for photos and highlights from Ice Fantasia 2013.
What’s Next?
Registration Forms and Tables coming!!
Starting today, we will begin with Registration forms for Advanced, Senior and Intermediate skaters will be handed out. We need your completed Registration and Volunteer form. Each skater needs to be registered for the show. Please ensure that your email is also included, as almost all of the information regarding schedules and practices leading up to the final shows will be communicated this way.
The deadline for these skaters returning their form is NOVEMBER 28. You can submit your form even if the USC office is closed; there is a mail slot in the door. Please return a form EVEN if you are NOT participating. This will help us to coordinate as we anticipate having over 500 skaters in the show.
CanSkate and Preschool Skaters and Families: A Registration Event will be set up next week. A Sneak Peek of the Registration form will be shown and volunteer opportunities explained ahead of time. Our Producers will be on hand to answer your questions and accept your Reg forms.
Volunteer Opportunities!
Ice Fantasia represents an amazing opportunity for all of our skaters to participate and showcase their talents. This production is only made possible by the enthusiasm and commitment of our volunteers. We need parents to volunteer—we can’t do it without you!!
This year, all Preschool and CanSkate parents will be asked to commit volunteering minimum of one day in the change room. We need your help with skaters’ costumes, tying skates, and getting them to and from their performance area and back again!
Please let us know where you’d like to help out: There is help also needed for Photo Day, Concessions, Ushers and Security, Arena Set Up and Take Down, etc. Please see the Registration form for details and descriptions. We have a dedicated group of Ice Show Team members taking care of the details of Key Roles already working hard to get this show going. All volunteers will be contacted closer to the Show and THANK YOU in advance!
Looking forward to a FAB Ice Fantasia 2015!!