Nov 27
Registration coming to you!!! Ice Fantasia 2015
This week is the launch for the Ice Fantasia Registration! All of our CanSkaters, Preschool, and Pre Intermediate skaters will be receiving forms starting this Friday.
Our Ice Show Producers and other members of the Ice Fantasia 2015 Production Team will be on hand in the lobby to answer questions and accept your registration forms. You will find them on the following days:
Friday November 28 5-8 pm
Saturday November 29 1-3 pm
Wednesday, December 3 4-8 pm
How to register:
When your child receives their form, please have a look and provide the following information:
Skater’s name, Mother’s name, Father’s name, contact info —email and home phone, etc. We also require the Volunteer Birth date as part of our insurance regulations. Thank you!
CanSkate and Preschool parents: In order to register your skater(s), we are asking that you commit to a minimum of ONE day in the changeroom helping skaters get ready for the show. We are expecting over 500 skaters in the show and we need your help!
At the Registration dates, we will be asking for your form to be returned. We will have clipboards and pens for you to easily and quickly fill out your child’s forms.
New to USC? or to Ice Show?
We are there to answer your questions and enlighten you about what the show is all about!! It is our 48th show!!! We will have a DVD of the last ice show, from 2013, playing as well. Come on by and check it all out!
As well, we have photos on display from the last show in our display case in the lobby. It was a great show! We look forward to meeting you and making the first steps towards a great experience for Ice Fantasia 2015!
Check out our new section on the USC website—Ice Show 2015!
This is the “hot spot” for finding all things related to IS 2015. Forms, information, emails, Q and A…..check it out! It makes finding everything all the easier. As forms and news are shared and sent out, you can go to this spot to find information at any time.
If you have questions, please reply to this email, or to [email protected] . We are here for you!!
The deadline for Advanced and Senior skaters to return their form is NOVEMBER 28. All other skaters, your deadline is Wednesday December 3. You can submit your form even if the USC office is closed, there is a mail slot in the door. Please return a form EVEN if you are NOT participating. This will help us to coordinate as we anticipate having over 500 skaters in the show.
Required Attendance: Skaters and their families have to be committed to attend ALL practices. If three practices are missed, your participation in the show will be in jeopardy. Our coaches and volunteers are committed to this extremely big project for the skaters, please honour the commitment to them by attending all practices.
Volunteer opportunities!
Ice Fantasia represents an amazing opportunity for all of our skaters to participate and showcase their talents. This production is only made possible by the enthusiasm and commitment of our volunteers. We need parents to volunteer—we can’t do it without you!!
Once again, all Preschool and CanSkate parents will be asked to commit to volunteering a minimum of one day in the change room. We need your help with skaters’ costumes, tying skates, and getting them to and from their performance area and back again!
Please let us know where you’d like to help out: Here are just a few of the ways you can help out!
Photo Day: pictures are taken in costume, we need help getting the skaters ready to SAY CHEESE!
Arena Set Up: Crosby arena is magically transformed into a spectacular venue for our shows! We have a dedicated crew of set up people to show you the way, but we need many hands to build! All are welcome!
Arena Take Down: when the show’s all over, it has to be packed up and put away for the next show. We need lots of help again to remove the structure piece by piece. An amazing feat!
Ushers and Audience Security: we need help getting folks to their seats, and arena security.
Skater Security with Janice Pickering: help escorting skaters from drop off at the front to their change rooms and back to their parents!
Lighting: Operating a spot light…2 or more shows commitment please(working with Professional Lighting crew)
Concessions: helping to sell treats to audience members before the show and during intermission
These are just a few of the fun, memorable ways you can lend a hand and be part of the “USC family”. Your efforts will be rewarded with great memories and big smiles from the kids!
We have a dedicated group of Ice Show Team members taking care of the details of Key Roles already working hard to get this show going. All volunteers will be contacted closer to the Show : THANK YOU in advance!
Looking forward to a FAB Ice Fantasia 2015!!
~USC Newsflash